Welcome to the TinRoof home page!
About TinRoof
TinRoof expands on the enormous, but unrealized, potential of the AIM chat service. A chat client puts you at the center of a personal network, projecting a virtual presence onto the internet. You can interact with others through this presence, but only in ways that conform to the capabilities built into the underlying protocol, and only under the watchful gaze of the administrators running the chat servers. TinRoof acknowledges the contribution AIM and services like it have made to helping people find and communicate with each other online, but it breaks free of their limitations. The AIM service is an integral part of TinRoof, but only insofar as it provides the gateway to truly free and uncensored online interaction.
TinRoof lets you:
- Chat on the AIM network using your existing screen name
- Exchange digital certificates with buddies for authenticated communication
- Send Files directly to your TinRoof buddies
- Search for files shared by all of your TinRoof buddies
- Download files shared by your TinRoof buddies
Your input is greatly appreciated!
I have some ideas about what to include in future releases of TinRoof. These include:
- Don't just authenticate direct connections, but encrypt them (this was originally avoided for performance reasons)
- Creating an HTML "home page" that is shared with all of your TinRoof buddies, with hyperlinks to shared files.
But these are just my ideas. I'm sure that you can think of ideas that are as good or better. Send me an email at simms_2k@yahoo.com and let me know what you think up.
Download TinRoof
The latest version of TinRoof can be downloaded from Sourceforge here
Contact Info
You can send questions, comments, suggestions, rants, errata, etc here. I will try to respond quickly.
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